Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I know. I haven't blogged in a while, and I probably won't again after this post. We'll see. But, I wanted to get this video to my family in the easiest way, so I thought I would include it in a post about scripture memorization.

Let's start with a confession. I'm not very good at memorizing scripture. Oh, I've tried. Before my son was born, I got through the first chapter of Colossians. And then my son was born. I probably wouldn't remember half the chapter if I were to say it today. I've always been good at memorizing for the test.... and then promptly forgetting. Having a bad memory is good for my marriage, but not great when it comes to hiding God's word in my heart.

I have come to realize that the scripture that I know by heart today, I have either memorized as a child, sung in a song, or I have read it and heard it so many times that it has naturally sunk in to this dense brain of mine. I have to "absorb" God's word, not just treat it like a checklist to tick off.

On that note, we have started a method of scripture memorization with our children that is working for us (so far). Before each family meal (morning and evening), we recite our memory portion outloud together. At first the kids just listened and soon they were able to join us. Adding actions has helped them (and us) as well. We did the same portion all through the month of January, but when February came, we thought we should continue on with it to make sure they REALLY know it. I was amazed when we realized that my 2 1/2 year old could (more or less) say it all herself.

Hear, O Israel
the Lord, our God,
the Lord is one.
Love the Lord your God
with all your heart
and with all your soul
and with all your mind
and with all your strength.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no commandment greater than these.
Mark 12:29-31

It's not just about memorization, either. We desire our kids to be changed God's words. To weigh and measure their experiences and choices against TRUTH. As the kids have learned these words, we have been able to have conversations that bring God's standards to them personally. "Are you loving your sister as yourself, or are you loving yourself more?" When my son shoveled a path through the snow for me, he was noticeably pleased when I pointed out that by serving me in this way, he was loving God with all his strength.

One of my prayers for my children in this day and age of relativism is that they will be able to discern right from wrong, truth from lies. God's word is the measuring line. May they hide God's word in their hearts so that they might not sin against Him. And, goodness knows... their mama needs this desperately herself.

Comments (2)

On February 9, 2012 at 4:40 AM , Anonymous said...

Oh my word, Staci. How wonderful to see this...and to think of the promise: I will hide your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you!
Miss you guys...and the snow on the ground was interesting.

On April 6, 2012 at 8:25 AM , Karen said...

Well said my friend... what a great reminder for this Mama too- I need it to not just be about memorization but a measuring line too. Do I notice a slight accent in their little voices? How cute!!!